Best Alternatives to Shopify's Digital Downloads App

If you were looking for an alternative app to Shopify Digital downloads app, you've come to the right place. There are quite a lot of apps on the App Store some of which don't work too well and some of which are great.

I've crafted and built a heck of a lot of stores over the past decade, so I'm really familiar with a bunch of apps that I've had experiences with.

I'm going to run through the recent issues about Shopify's Digital Downloads app, and offer a better solution that provides reliability and professionalism.

Issue's with Shopify's Digital Downloads app

In the past, I found I was running into so many issues with Shopify's own app. Some of the issues that I run into were things like:

  • Sending all of the files to the customers when they only ordered one
  • Failing to deliver downloads
  • Delivering the wrong downloads
  • The download button not working

All of this causes a lack of trust to customers and also tonnes of support, which isn't fun!

Alternative app to Shopify's Digital Downloads app

Get the Fileflare Digital Downloads app. It has insane features that stand out above Shopify's app. It has a tonne of advantages:

 Shopify's Digital Downloads
Fileflare Digital Downloads app
Can only attach 1 file to each product Attach unlimited files per product and variant
Free (no upgrade options) Free plan available + upgrade options for when you grow
Doesn’t support customer account downloads Display downloads links in customer accounts + fully customisable
Unlimited bandwidth Unlimited bandwidth
5GB total storage per file No maximum file size limit
Issues with cookies in some browsers No issues with cookies
Cannot attach files to an single order Personalised digital products by attaching files to a single order
Cannot override global limitations for an order Ability to override global limitations for an order
No upgrade options Plenty of upgrade options (we listen to customer feedback)
Display links on Thank You page Display links on Thank You page
Cannot use your own email (white label) Set IP Address limitations
No store branding features Customise branding completely
Cannot set release dates Set pre-order release dates on files
Sell digital files alongside subscription apps Sell digital files alongside subscription apps
No update/notify options Update files & notify previous customers
No protection features Protect downloads using IP and fraud protection
Cannot see email tracking Email tracking showing opens and bounces
No PDF Stamping PDF Stamping
Cannot deliver URLs to customers Can deliver URLs to customers
Only add single type of download limit Add many types of download limitations
Cannot control an orders download Expire an order (block customer’s downloads)
Sends downloads from email Use your own email to send downloads (white label)
Email customisation templates Email customisation templates
Cannot connect your own S3 Connect your own S3

The perfect workflow

I now have the perfect workflow when building a Shopify store to sell digital downloads. Here it is:

Video guide

Written guide below video!

1. Creating the Shopify store

If you haven't already, create a Shopify store and follow the steps until you land on the Shopify dashboard.

2. Installing the Fileflare Digital Downloads app

Go to the Shopify app store and install the Fileflare app.

3. Creating the products in Shopify

Adding products

If you haven't created your products in Shopify yet, make sure that you create them.

  1. Go to the 'Products' page in your Shopify admin
  2. Click the 'Add product' button

Mark it as digital

Go to your Shopify store 

You need to let Shopify know that it's a digital product to stop the shipping stuff showing at checkout and the shipping emails from being sent.

On the product page, scroll down to the 'Shipping' section. Uncheck the box and save it. If you are using variants, you will find this on the variant edit page.

4. Upload & attach files in Fileflare

The way it works is that Fileflare acts as an add-on to Shopify's system. It will allow you to upload and attach files to your Shopify products, meaning that when a product is ordered, the attached files will be delivered to the customer.

  1. Next, in the Shopify admin, click "Apps" in the left navigation and click on Fileflare
  2. Go to the "Products" page and click on a product
  3. Click the "Upload new assets" button
  4. Upload your files and click "Done"
  5. Now use the search box on the page to find and select your assets, then click "Attach" 

5. Ready to rumble!

You can now continue to set up the settings to suot your store's branding. It doesn't take long, but it allows you to fully customise the messaging, colours, and even languages.

You can customise the email templates, add the downloads to the Shopify order confirmation email, add a download button inside the customer accounts, add file and fraud protection, and much more.

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